Writing Best Practices

Except in cases where UA dictates an exception, we generally follow AP Style. For UA editorial guidelines, refer to the UA Style Guide. Additionally, full campus-wide branding information and messaging guidance can be found at brand.ua.edu.

Naming Conventions

  • The University of Alabama
  • the University
  • UA
  • the Capstone
  • Division of Student Life / the Division of Student Life


  • Always use numerals without st, nd, rd, th
  • Abbreviate only Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. and write out other months


Write out one through nine; 10 and above, use numerals


Do not use the Oxford comma, unless necessary to provide clarity. (list items as “A, B and C” )


  • “a.m.” and “p.m.”
  • 7 a.m. (not 7:00) and 7:30 p.m.
  • “8 – 10 a.m.” and “10 a.m. – 2 p.m.”


Do not capitalize titles except for immediately preceding a name

  • Big Al, interim vice president for Student Life
  • Interim Vice President for Student Life Big Al


Academic Honors: Do not italicize or capitalize cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude or with distinction.

Academic Degrees: Avoid abbreviations. When lack of space makes abbreviations necessary, do not use periods. (e.g., BA, MS, MBA) Formal names of degrees are capitalized, per AP style; informal names are not. Do not capitalize specializations or majors within degrees. Master of Science but master’s degree; Bachelor of Arts but bachelor’s degree. Refer to the complete list of degree names.

The word commencement should be lowercased per AP style.


To make your communication more effective, avoid unnecessary phrases like “note” or “please note.” These can pull attention away from the important points. Instead, use simple, direct language and formatting tools like bold text to highlight key information. This helps your message stands out without being repetitive.

While it is important to grab your audience’s attention, our main goal is to make sure your content is easy to find and use. Keep sentences short and simple, limit commas and stick to one idea per paragraph. Also, make sure your text is easy to read on mobile devices.

Student Life Standards

  • Phone numbers: 205-348-5400
  • Code of Student Conduct (not Code of Conduct)
  • well-being (should be hyphenated)

Housing and Residential Communities

  • Resident Advisor
  • Faculty-in-Residence
  • Living-Learning Communities
  • Off campus vs. off-campus (the hyphenated “off-campus” should be used when it is a descriptor; The student has moved to an off-campus apartment and The student has moved off campus.)
  • Tutwiler Hall should be referred to as Julia Tutwiler Hall

The University of Alabama Student Center

On first instance on any one page or marketing piece, it should be written out in entirety – The University of Alabama Student Center (do not omit or lowercase “The”); “UA Student Center” may be used if there are spacing limits.

The new url is uastudentcenter.ua.edu.

University Recreation

When referring to the Student Life Department, use “University Recreation.” When referring to the main gym on campus that is operated by University Recreation, use “Student Recreation Center” on first use and “The Rec” afterwards.